Monday, March 31, 2008


It’s 11:02 on Monday morning… and rather than sitting behind a desk I am sitting in front of my laptop cruising for a job and watching AmericasNextTopModel.

Yes y’all, the finally laid me off.
I am officially unemployed.

I have been ok with that. Because I knew it was coming. I knew it.
However, sitting in IHOP on Sunday afternoon…it hit me, I have no job.
I had a moment. Just sat there and stared off into space for the span of a few minutes. Probably like a few seconds seemed in my head…I was spiraling in air…reminiscent of the scene from Vertigo when James Stewart is falling…or so he thought.
I felt my vertigo had …gone…and I was spiraling.

So here I am on a rainy Monday morning, feeling a little unclear about the road ahead of me.
Still waiting the outcome of my severance negotiations…

Since Friday, a few friends have really stepped up to the plate in the friendship area. Not to say they weren’t already cool…but it’s when you go thru adverse situations that you find out who cares and who is just lip service. It actually started before D-day on Friday. Letting friends know what was going on and the possibilities…or rather the inevitable…so Friday gets here and I have my “talk” and was home by 12:00…when the mail comes on Friday…I go to find a letter from a friend with a small token of his friendship…his affection from so far away…wanting to make sure that I have a little something in my pocket. A very good friend indeed.

As for other matters…I was thinking about drinking myself into a week long stupor. I thought about fucking until my pussy hurt and hope that I could feel something more than this…emptiness. Funny how the job was so much a part of my definition. ‘Cause I didn’t really like my job…lol I was thinking that maybe I would party like crazy and start hanging out, after all, its not like I have to be somewhere by a certain time anymore…like work. I felt like I needed to let loose...but realize that behavior from a year ago...has not necessarily been doused but the need for self destruction and reckless has been muted for now.

And then there is Dude… Dude had become my friend. Now he is MIA. At a time when I am feeling a little BLAH… not needing to talk about things that I have recited for the past 72 hours…but something to make me smile. He is missing.

So…once this severance comes through… I am disappearing for a couple of days. Need to disconnect…fully disconnect.

With that said, Cortney and I are headed to April Fools comedy tomorrow at Madison Square Garden. I am looking forward to it. So I am going to have to get my butt up and go buy an outfit. I might even go get my hair done…although…it’s raining. I’ll do it tomorrow, it’s suppose to be 68…I might feel pretty tomorrow. Right now, the thought of washing my face and brushing my teeth is even too much for me to wrap my head around. It’s all foul…breath included!

No fear, it’s the rain and non-communication that has this post sounding suicidal…lol I am actually looking forward to wondering the city streets like I did when I first moved to New York. I am looking forward to it but I really need for it to get warm.

Monday, March 24, 2008


I am still trying to figure out my groove… ‘cause just like The Emperor, I’ve lost it...and trying to get it back.

Last night, I had a lot of things to talk about …but while sitting in bed and eating cherry vanilla ice cream while watching SchoolDaze… I was too lazy to get up and jot some things down. I will say this though…watching that movie brought some memories for real. I remember being in 12th grade when that movie came out. Mr. Davies from Berkeley High took (or let us) go to the movies to see this movie since the theater was one block from the school. Mr. Davies was the department head of Black Studies for Berkeley High, which had the only all-black curriculum in the nation for high school.

Reading through the credits I realized that half the show was filmed in Brooklyn. Funny that. There is the song from SD... Perfect Match...

When Tish licks his scalp down the part in his hair... she

I'mma find my perfect match.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What To Do

I broke my arm…well, maybe broke my arm is too drastic of a statement…
Comes down to me over exerting muscles I ain’t never had to use…lol
Dude hooked up my Wii game that I got for my birthday…
So Sunday night at 3:30AM we are standing up in the middle of the bed bowling.
My bed is on rollers…wheels…and even though I have a rug underneath it…it tends to roll back and forth and end up getting on the hardwood floor… I know the neighbor downstairs was calling me all kinds of…whatnot and so-forths.

So me and Wii are new BFF’s…I haven’t bought any games yet but have 12 games that came with the actual console and with the extra nunchuck (remote)… This damn game is better than going to the gym. Sorta…but not really…but sorta.
I think Dude may have played for a total of 3 hours …and that was before we started playing at 3:30 in the damn morning.

You ever feel like you have been through so much with one person that it seems like you’d be making the wrong move if you let it go. I DIDN’T feel like that until this past weekend. Sitting up in a doctors office wondering what in the hell just happened. Not sure about anything right now but I am sure that I obviously haven’t been making the right decisions… or either I have been going about it in the wrong way.

I wasn’t at work on Monday and to my surprise… I walk into work on Tuesday and find that we have a new hire. Not to be all territorial and shit… but ummm, usually I conduct first/second interviews, I do the paperwork and the offer letter…you know…general things…but seems as if they have decided to take that shit away from me without telling me. Normally I would be upset. I’m not. Right now I am mildly…mildly bothered but I figure my days here are numbered anyway. Something is definitely in the air. To be honest, I’ve already worked out a plan in case that should happen. I try to be prepared for these types of things…shoot, I have to be! Either way, another co-worker came to me today and asked if there was something going on because she is starting to feel the chill in the air…I merely said she should always be prepared for anything. I can’t be caught up in office gossip…although, if I was...I might know what the hell was going on…lol

I leave for Maryland on Thursday…and Friday my cousin and I are driving to Suffolk, VA to spend Easter with my auntie and her husband. I just need to get away. I always feel like I need to get away. What the hell am I getting away from.

I got drunk on Saturday. I know you’re like...what’s new…but this type of drunk has not happened in a long time. Stumbling and falling type of drunk. If I were famous…I’dda been on TMZ…if I was. Or at least a quick blurb on E! So I cut my hand on something as I stumbled behind a semi-truck and tried not to urinate on myself. In the midst of my squat, I fell backwards…while one hand held my pants so they wouldn't get...wetted and the other hand balancing myself and getting cut...I fell under the right rear tire of said semi truck…to be honest, I rolled under the semi truck. Like a little weeble wobble toy...just sorta toppled over in slow motion. I had been to a birthday party…a house party in Jersey…where drinks were being made for me and by the time I got off the dance floor…I didn’t feel anything.

Just a tad tipsy-ish in a drunk kind of way but past an inebriation point and along the lines of fucked up.
I know, at my age I should be past all of this but… y’all don’t know the troubles I’ve seen

New York looks real Londony… fog and rain. I can no longer see the MetLife sign at the top of the old Pan-Am building… I am tired. My arm hurts more because I played with my new BFF last night and bowled my ass off.
I need to get my nails done, need to wash my hair and need to clean my A-P-T…and here I am playing damn video games.
I tell you as much as AJ needs to pull it together…I need to grow the fuck up.

Yesterday morning I got a VM from a guy in Boston… not sure if you remember him…but he was the one that sent me a webcam request…when I opened it…he was sitting on his couch…jacking off. Asking me to “help him”…muthaeffa I am at work! Normally I wouldn’t have minded and might even have liked to “help him” along…but…
Anyway, he called me and left a VM. Asking me when I was coming to visit him, he misses me… then he called me this morning here at work. I forgot he even had my work number. Now Patrick…I coulda married Patrick. Not because I was in love…but because I felt protected and he was stable. Yet Patrick was very much single…a ladies man…so I just drifted off and forgot about him and who he was and how I felt around him.

Figured I didn’t need to leave my area code to meet a man like that so why bother with a guy 3 hours away.

And now a year later and he wants to see me? I have enough issues with my existing out-of-town ass without trying to bring new dick into the picture.

Plus, I ain’t want no Boston dick. We chatted and I then told him that I would call him back…he didn’t like that. I guess he thought I should spend the better half of my work morning talking to him. Blah!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just Thoughts

So fucking is now a crime.
Well, yea I know it’s a lot deeper than that. Morally, ethically, and some other things as well. At first I laughed it off but then I started thinking about how much of an asshole I think my Gov’na is. I haven’t liked him since he’s been in office…before gov’na status. He is just one of those people that just rubbed me the wrong way… it wasn’t about arrogance…(as you all know I am secretly drawn to arrogant men)…it wasn’t about confidence, ‘cause that shit is sexy. It was just his bullish way of talking and not in a “presence” type of way but in an bitchy/bully-ish commanding tone. Or maybe some other spiritual awareness or plane that made me realized that…he was ewwww.

Either way…he’s greasy to me.

I laughed it off yesterday but then realized…this man has spent over 80K on prostitutes… now the mere fact that he slept with any other woman than his wife is reason for me to not like him. As I have said before…men that cheat on wives are pretty spineless to me. They have no control, or integrity. Say what you want…argue the point…but that’s how I feel and I am pretty stubborn in it so…I’ll listen to what you say but it won’t change my mind.
But a man that does it continuous it consistently over and over…is scum at the bottom of the barrel. Now, aside from his private life…his professional and very much elected office is involved because …muthaeffa…you are the effing governor...although now…his new name is Client 9. Funneling…or should I say laundering money to shell accounts to get some ass?

Who does that?

Client 9 obviously.

Maybe it’s just me…but shouldn’t that stupid ass just have paid cash like the rest of the male population. That’s the easiest way for it not to get traced back to you. So he’s spending his money on $5000 coochie… now let me just say this… he’dda got some premium ass that would be a lot more willing to do more nasty shit than $5000 ass, if he’d gone over to Hunts Point…for $500. And probably would have been able to negotiate an extra set of coochie lips had he added on a coupla hundred more…just sayin… $500 to $5000 is a major difference.
New York state is fighting a 4.4 billion dollar deficit…It’s pretty clear we are fighting to come up with a budget right now with a gov’na who is financially inept at acquiring choice goods at a reasonable rate. Dumb ass.

Then to make shit worse...he used his friends name to get a room at the MayFluer... that's like giving my friends name and number out at the club when I'm trying to get a rid of a dude that's been bothering all night to go out with him... Now THAT is funny as hell!

However…bad news can be good news… Lt. Gov’na…now to be NEW GOV’NA once Client 9 resigns…
is a black man…
a blind black man.
So first for NY...first black person and first blind person… I think that is pretty awesome. DavidAPaterson.

On to another topic…Obama.
Obama has accused Hill’s camp of trying to “bamboozle” and “hoodwink” the Amer. public by saying he could be VP…as if he were already out of the running for Prez.
As he takes Miss last night, Hill?
However, B.O. has 1510.5 delgates and 207 superdelgates whereas hc has 1403 delgates and 255 superdelgates… but 250 superdelgates are still unknown… As my grammy used to say when she was irritated and bothered… HC “makes my booty itch”…

Either way..Obama knows that HC’s camp thru out that masked statement about him being a muslim… and here this mf’r goes and quoting Malcolm… bamboozled and hoodwinked… I think he said that in the mist of his M.O.C. moment. Which if he wins…there will be even more H.N.I.C. moments with sprinkled in influential black men quotes.

Speaking of color…or ethnicity or race… Geraldine Ferraro. Sit down and shut the fuck up. To say…

“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," she continued. "And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

So…now Obama is a concept…?
I’ve been told that “concept” is a general notion...a scheme, a plan. And "notion" being defined as a fanciful or foolish idea…Hmmm ok GeralDINE…I see you.

I get that this is a campaign and things are said…or done…that aren’t always true (go figure) or that words are sometimes misconstrued for better print time or controversy… but to fan the fires of race in an already racially crippled nation is just plain stupid. And yes, it will come up again and again… even after Barack Hussien Barack is President…(or even if he doesn’t)…

All in all…I’m irritated with my nation as a whole. Not necessarily just on the political stance… but with principles, the morality and ethical views of people.
Yes, me included.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Not Free

It’s Monday but my head feels like it’s a Saturday morning…and my body feels like some shit went down that I should remember the day after…
Snowboarding ain’t no damn joke. Granted I only took lessons…I’d never been on a snowboard. And what made my uncoordinated ass think I could go down a mountain on one…when I can’t even skateboard on a flat surface is beyond me…but hey…you only live once. My body is on it's way to 40 but my brain still thinks it's 20-something... I'm in paaaaiiiiinnnn.

My snowboard instructor…a 16 year old kid…my other lesson taker…an 8 year old little girl…I could be both of their mamas. Every time I fell I said “fuck” or “shit”…then apologized to the kids. The “instructor” kid…said no problem. I told him never ever ever go skiing when he has a hang-over. He said, "tell me about it, I’ve done that countless times"…lil muthaeffa out drinking!
Well…let’s just hope he didn’t do as I did at the pajama party the night before. I believe I had 7-9 SoCo with cranberry juice’s. Juices’s? Either way…as soon as we got to the hotel I went and got a drink.
My nerves were…nervous.
I have this real sensitive stomach and I get sick quite easily…especially when I stress…and I have been stressing a lot lately… like the last damn 3 months. Anyway…after a 3 hour train ride…and then a 2 hour car ride with the bane of my existence right now… is stressful to me. So before he had a chance to put the car in park…I jumped out of the car and went to the bathroom to throw up (sensitive stomach plus I tend to get car sick)…I headed skraight to the bar. He came and found me…just looked at me...smiled and shook his head. In the car…I was the minimalist… trying to make sure I said the most minimalist words as possible. But once he saw that drink in my hand…so early in the evening…he just knew he was getting some ass.
I was like…”keeping thinking that shit, don’t get your feelings hurt”…Yea, that was drink ONE. By drink 12-32…my thinking might have changed...but that is neither here nor there.

I put on my jammies and head to the banquet area for the pajama party and …
…BAMM! Fight breaks out… and when this chick got up…her eye looked like MikeTyson beat her ass! It was swollen and bleeding like she had been in a welter weight championship. The fight lasted less than 3 minutes. Dumb asses. Men were liking it though…pajama party…and these broads were in lingerie…titties and ass were being shown all over the place…some shit that I wished I hadn’t seen… let’s just say…I know where they get the term “nappy dugout” from. Bitch you knew you were coming up in the spot with lingerie on…shoulda known to cut, trim, comb, perm….hell, braid that shit!
We partied until 4AM.
Well, by the time we got back to the room…well…hold on…I remember leaving the party…and walking to the elevator…and being on the elevator….and pulling out my room key…

So Saturday morning, bright and early and hung-over…I’m taking snowboarding lessons…with the teenage instructor and my 8 yo class mate… I left before it ended and went into the lodge and laid my head down and I might have even snored…fuck ‘em I don’t care. Back to the hotel and he and I slept…slepttttted until it was time to get up for the comedy and the live entertainment… both were wack. I was hung-over still…sleepy as hell and by 3:30AM I was ready to go to bed…me being me and NOT jealous but maybe a little insecure for unknown reasons was debating if I’d stay downstairs and watch Dude or go ahead and leave him to his own devices.

The logical and sane part of my brain let me know that I broke up with this man and it was sorta ass backwards to be concerned with his goings-on anymore.

But banquet room full of bitches that have been drinking since…2 days ago…well, I can’t have broads thinkin’ I’mma punk….
Fuck ‘em and him…I went to the room to go to bed...If shit was gonna was going to happen whether I was there or not. Let him get his ass into some shit if he wants to…Sunday I am back in NYC…and he’s back in MD.
He can fuck who he wants…but he better not!! At least not when you invited me up for a weekend trying to “talk things out”.
Serious tho,
Odd thing was, I wasn’t concerned about him fucking some chick in some back hallway of the damn place…it wasn’t about him touching places he shouldn’t be when he was dancing… it was about those chicks looking at me the next day like I’m the stupid ass that doesn’t know any better about what her “husband” was doing,while she was in bed asleep...
This is why...
... this shit made a difference to me… in order for us not to pay for the whole weekend… I had to be his wife. And he’s using that shit like it felt good in his mouth..."this is my wife Bloopty", yesterday someone asked us how long we’d been married and right off his tongue…"10 years...we have 3 boys and a girl" I just kept my mouth shut.

I just realized, I went off into another story…hahaha…heeheehee

…ahem…ok back to story…
Sunday and everyone goes bowling…me at this point was feeling like this weekend is some ol’ bullshit. Playing a role that I wasn’t meant for. This character belongs to someone else who has more talent in …bullshitting. I’m done bullshitting. He gets back and saw that I have packed all my things while he was gone. He just sat on the bed and said…
“Mrs. Smith, my sixth sense tells me that you have something you want to say.”

“Your sixth sense is fucking with you ‘cause I don’t have anything on my mind. Maybe, you have something that you want me to hear…?”

He pulled me to him, hugs me around my waste and puts his head on my stomach (don’t ask)… and says, “Why do I have the feeling that once we leave this place I am not going to see you again?”

I ignored that. I mean, it’s not like a real question…is it? Well, I took it as hypothetical. He knows the deal…shit ain’t changed just because I came up here. He needed to see me. Breaking up through emails and on the phone is one thing…something I could do…I had done with him. He needed face to face… as if I wouldn’t be able to do it face to face. He was somewhat right but… I’m stubborn. This shit we got is no longer fun…it’s strained and absolutely positively his fault. I’m uncomfortable and I can’t deal with the queasiness of my stomach at stress…
In the long silence that followed… I finally

…tried to brush if off…pull away and start my way downstairs to put the suitcases in the truck… he wouldn’t let me go, he didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything… he just cried, silent tears.

The kind that makes me feel like shit. Every man that I have been with has cried… I don’t know how men are about tears…but I feel like just saying…

"fine, whatever you want, that’s what it will be."

He got up…no words…went and got a wet washcloth…and dried his eyes and came to ask me the same question for the second time. I knew then that I had to answer and this goodbye (to each others and the people downstairs) was going to be harder than I had planned. You see, I had planned on him doing what he always does… avoid shit and then act as if I hadn’t said anything. I hadn’t expected him to really want to talk about shit.
So I laid it out for him…
30 minutes later…
He didn’t say anything as tears ran down his face…
I stopped talking, he got up and hugged me and finally told me
“I understand.”

As his luck would have it…elevators were packed so we sat and waited for an elevator…and as we sat….there was an older gentleman who was asking us were we were from, how is the married life, how old were the kids…he then proceeds to talk about how young people these days don’t know what commitment is all about. “You don’t give up on a marriage when things get hard…you dedicate yourself to getting them back to easy. If you found someone that understands you and all your messed up ways then you should hold on to each other because this life is hard enough…but it’s harder when you’re alone trying to find something that you already had but never took the time to cultivate.”
I am sitting there and Dude is standing across from me and his eyes are watery as he’s listening to this man we don’t even know and he’s staring at me…willing me to listen, absorb and agree with this man. I looked away.
If I didn’t know any better…I’dda thought he planned it.
We put our suitcases in the truck and went into the banquet area to have lunch…and again… at the table…another man…but same conversation… “Don’t let each other ever go. My wife and I have been watching you all weekend, you two are tender with each other. When you are in each others presence, no one else matters.”
Then his wife reaches over and touches my hand and says, “He looks at you a lot when you’re not looking. That’s love when he can admire you without having you notice.”

This chicken is going down my throat as easily as sandpaper and I am just smiling and nodding my head in the affirmative and I am trying my hardest not to look at dude without being rude in front of the older couple.
They continue to talk to Dude...and I just smile. All the while thinking…this is some ol’ bullshit!

So here we are in the truck and it’s another 2 hour ride…just he and I. We are laughing and talking…and out of the blue…

“You know I am supposed to come speak for career day up at my high school this week…are you going to be in town? I am coming from Thursday to Sunday?”

“I think I have something planned.” (knowing I have no damn place to be…but was he tryna stay with me?)

“On Saturday, I want us to go to the travel agent for that trip to the islands.”

...I had him right there…right where he was suppose to be for him to move on…he was ready to give in…he had given in.
Really, he had!
Those fucken old people messed up my shit and now…I am back to where I started from…
Like everything I said and everything he had been ok with… was washed away by two old married couples.

I told him, “that wouldn’t be a good idea for us to go on anymore trips…long weekends…any of that anymore.”
“But we have plans to go to the NewOrleansJazzFest next month! What about that?”
“Dude, when you break up…regardless of what was planned…it’s all null and void…it wouldn’t be a good idea. We are not the same anymore.”

Silence…and then time to drop me off and here we go…again…
3 of 3 and it’s really hurting my heart.
He can’t say anything for a couple of minutes and I am thinking I’mma miss my train... he hugs me and tells me he loves me

…and I know he does…but sometimes…you still have to work at shit…you can’t just be satisfied with the knowledge of love… Love does not conquer all in my book. Love is not the band aid…masking the problems.

Now I am back in NYC…and tonite is tat night and I have plans tomorrow night and then I have to decide what am I going to do come Thursday…when he comes to town.

Watch out…this is not a sucka –free zone. You smack dab in the middle of Sucka-dom.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Next Up to Roaster...B-itching

I’m tired and I have no idea why… might be because I loves me some beer…or it might be that my melancholy has sunk in and made a home inside my being and now I am heavy…and tired.

…but we’ll say it’s the beer… this is the one and only time that beer will be “more” glamorous that anything else. Unless it’s a beer belly as said writer has at the moment…but a lil beer on my breath ain’t all bad unless of course it’s Guinness…at which, anyone could open their mouth and flies would drop.
Last night Loreley had a Beer Tasting Party…. Never drank German beer until you’ve had beer soup with cheese… yeah, it taste like it sounds…interesting.
However, beer is my monkey…along with shoe shopping, popsicles, cherries, mani/pedicures and orange juice.
I think I may still be burping up hops ...yea, it was a night…not necessarily to “remember”… but a night none-the-less.

I was telling a friend that in the last 168 hours, I have bought 5 pairs of shoes…plus a ski outfit…some PJ’s (for a pajama party)…and some PJ’s for the “after-party (well…the just in case after-party)… Would seem that I have been bamboozled into going on a “ski” trip…
Why the quotes?
‘Cause black folks are always going on ski trips but muthafuckas don’t ski!
It’s their time to get drunk, mingle and fuck…and pass it off as a ski weekend. Believe me I’ve been on my fair share of ski trips up at Lake Tahoe or when I lived in Denver…up at Vail. Rarely have ppl actually went up a black diamond and came down… but quick to go on a trip every year like the have been at it for years. Am I mad at ‘em for it… not really… I guess. Granted there are a ton of black ski clubs…
I’ve been skiing since I was 5 years old. Now don’t confuse that with me knowing how to ski… just like I have been playing pool for 5 years in a league but I still am off (lose) more times than I am on (win). But skiing is what I know…a little. My boys went snowboarding...told me they liked it, I’d heard it was easier…so I am going to try that… yea, let’s not jinx me with any injury comments.

I am going to try and go back to my happenings from last week…although, I am sorta kinda sure that shit didn't happen. Just sayin…

Tell me this…which would you choose…
A mate who was drop dead gorgeous/handsome with bad credit
A not so good looking dude/chick with A1 credit?
Do you have a looks “good on paper” mentality or is it a “good for me” mentality?
I don’t need for you to explain yourself… just wondering, off the top of your head what you’d answer…maybe not that…I want to get to the grass roots…that answer is better than your first thought…you know, the answer that you know you’d act on.

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