Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Blah Blah Blah says...

Have you ever been with someone that made you WANT to be a better you? Ever love someone so intensely that your existence relished in making them happy? Yet, they wouldn't open themselves to let you. I have.

For such a long time love to me was a myth. Something so unbelievable, so far from reality. Didn't think it possible...Certainly wasn't plausible. Love held no weight. Love was unrealized. Until I met him and gave him my heart. He doesn't know and will never that sad? For who, him or me? I've made strides in trying to show, say, live my love for you.

Have you ever been with someone that made you WANT to be a better you? Ever love someone so intensely that your existence relished in making them happy? Yet, they wouldn't open themselves to let you. I have.

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