Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Song: Nana by Monifah
Lyrics: "No doubt my arms is where you need to be. So grab your things you're comin' home with me. On top of moaning while you're bonin' me. I'll curl your toes and then you off to sleep (A little bit of dada is good for me)"

He put me in an awkward position so I shoved that shit back in his face. I am NOT being bullied no fucking more. Just a matter of time before you get the more words. Call it being a punk if you want but every fucking word possible has been said...there is nothing else to be would just be repetition. He has manipulated me and turned shit into shit that wasn't real, to keep me "in check". Thing is...I hadn't thought that...never even occured to me until someone told me last week that, "He's got you in check!" I was, no he don't. FUCK THAT...he does...did.

So....I asked Surj out last week. Told him I wanted to see him and he told me the minute I am him. Sooo, I called him. He is "light" heavy shit no double/triple thinking...just laughing, some kissing and maybe...just maybe...I'll finally get me some of that nasty ushy gushy stuff that I have been missing out on. Answer me this: How you have a boyfriend and don't wanna fuck him...ever?
I spoke with Surj for an hour tonight...we are meeting after work tomorrow. Just want some drinks...some music and maybe some feel-ups as we dance and walk through the village hand in hand. Yea, it's going to be sprinkling...maybe even raining...but so what...kisses in the rain...I'll take that.

Sometimes you do shit because it you gotta break free of the daily bullshit. Surj knows my situation. I've shared some things and he has let me know that that is not cool to leave out importante informacion...but aaa...I know that but thanks for the reminder. The only reason I told him play-by-play action was because do you hide having a boyfriend? Not only that...but a big ol' hulkin' hunky dumb jock bipolar boyfriend? LOL Naw, naw...Surj knew way before...not before before but before recently. LOL
He told me that I sounded sad...not sure what to make of that but...he may be on to something. I don't want to be miserable...'cause misery loves company...and I would just end up bring y'all down and making y'all So let's avoid that at all cost and in helping in doing that...y'all won't chastise me for about-to-be fucking Surj.
*'specially that little jamaican!*

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