Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Some of That Good Tihs

When you live in NYC you inevitably have to trudge your laundry, groceries and shopping around on the subway (unless your fortunate enough to have a car *whateva*) I happen to have a man... with a truck so most of my trudging is done ONLY because I don't want him knowing when I bought some new shoes or outfit.
EITHER WAY, I drop my laundry off, let them clean and fold then I pick it up. Well, I just found a place that will come and pick up my laundry and dry cleaning... I have an ex in Cal who owned a service like this. I never had him do my clothes because...well, I errr, aaaa, usually end up with someones boxers or sweats in my laundry bag...and well...I'm not one for making excuses. Plus, at the time it would have been real stupid of me to have him do my laundry because I had a washer and dryer in my apartment. I AM lazy but damn....not that lazy....

So in my struggle to be more organized and feel less frenzied, I have also decided to sign up for D.irect. I honestly don't think this is going to work for me long term. I am one of those shoppers that goes up and down each and every make sure I haven't forgotten something that I will need later on the other day I remembered that I had no more Vlasic Zesty pickles....gawd forbid. So FD will be for the big items that I need to have someone bring up to my door. Me actually going to a real live grocery store will be for those last minutes items. Whew! Do you see how I am finding more and more time for myself.

Ever efficient. Yet, with all this "free time", what am I suppose to do? Idle hands are the debbil's workshop, no? Hmmmmmmm.

Listen to this, I am apart of this group (read: secret society) that gets together for meetings, socializing and....table levitation lectures!
What you ask...
Table levitation lectures!
Yea, that's sorta what I did to...looked at it like...huh? That's the email I came into this morning...
"Come join us, as we are proud to introduce XXX. Come hear XXX's lecture on table levitation."
Da hell!?!?? This is a group that can "supposedly" trace their lineage back to the Nights Templar speaking about levitation!?....hmmmm, let me find out that I've been bamboozled, hoodwinked...led astray! LOL KH fill me in on THIS one....?

Because of the crazy funky bedunky weather my hair has been looking like this... well that's what I have been told...a brown-r version of course. AND this week I've had to wear these.

My weekend starts today and I am in a mental quandry...
Surj spent the night last night ...NO Secret Chinese Handshake.
My boys arrive from California tomorrow and will be here for two weeks.
We are all staying at The Itch's house while they are here.
The Itch likes them, they like The Itch..........
I've lived with this man before...I am not sure that I can do it for two weeks...LOL's not as bad as I make it sound.
Ok OK OK! it is on my part but the rest I am so excited about...
It's suppose to be sunshiny this weekend...and we have tickets to the Yankees for the boys on Sunday.....I am so excited.

Peace out and have an awesome weekend....

*Hopefully Blogger will have heeded my threats and are, as we speak, trying to incoporate a larger server and hire competant IT people. Hopefully in the future we will not have to experienced what we did this past week....otherwise, I think we should do a mass boycot and move our blogs over to Blogsome or Blogates.*

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