Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Don't wanna live
Don't wanna lie to myself anymore
Don't wanna try to understand
The pain I see through my eyes
Let me laugh
Just let me cry
Just let me see right from wrong
Just let me love
Let me feel
Cause I want in my life all the things that's real
Cause I…I'm trying to find a reason to believe
- LionelRichie

I suppose that I should have been thinking of things that needed to be said…yesterday. Always a day late.
Now mind you, all the things that I have been thinking weren’t for everyone or even…anyone. Words that probably meant nothing to anyone other than me but…this time I am going to get it right. A day late.

I’ve been through love and pain. I’ve had some changes in my life.
I feel like I’ve broken the shell. Not making prophecies of self revelations …or words that make me feel foolish, when 6 months from now they have gone to the waist side. I just have a feeling of renewal…sadness at loss but memories of things I used to do that made me feel right. In place.

Sumptin To Say:
We all can learn from this. I'm learning because I can sense where you coming from and want to peek at where you going to. I'm bought to break out in Diana Ross song... Do you know...Do you like the things that life is showing you where are you going to do you know...
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