Sunday, June 15, 2008
My Daddy
With all his awesomeness…and with all his faults… the love this daughter has for her father is insurmountable.
For those that have been reading me…way back from my first blog, the 2nd one and this one…know that I have a great love and respect for my father. I am proud to be his daughter.
For me,
He is everything good that... is, could be, or will be…
In honor of my father…I want to introduce you to him…
(my daddy and I camping...1970's)
Because of my love for him…and being proud of who he is…I have written about him. My story has been published in an anthology about Black Fathers. Please feel free to buy the book and hopefully you will see why I love him and honor him, as well as encourages and inspre all fathers out there.
We come from a strong tradition of storytellers. Therefore, it is contingent upon us to ensure that our father's legacies are preserved and expose truths rarely revealed about the tremendous beauty, strength and importance of Black men who loved us --- Our Black Fathers: Brave Bold and Beautiful!
The image of Black men floating up from the depths of muddy bayous and rivers, and dangling limply from the boughs of old Magnolia trees, life brutally siphoned from them before their time, is a painfully haunting reminder of the brutality they have endured. That same emotion surfaces when Black men are called "boy" and treated as invisibly as author Ralph Ellison wrote -- the constant flood of racial degradation never ending.
When lesser men would have given up, our black fathers soldier on, proving that they are more powerful and brilliant than those who oppress them and seek to negate their promise.
The saga of legions of Black men on any continent where they've existed, is too often about dreams denied and lives unrecognized for their worth. The truth about what I knew about my own late father's empowering significance, and other men I had witnessed, spawned an idea for a book. When Anita Royston (co-author of Our Black Fathers: Brave, Bold and Beautiful), relayed her enthusiasm when recounting her own positive relationship with her father, we knew that there were other unsung heroes (living and deceased, from generations past and present), who had positively impacted their children's lives. Thus, it became critical for their posterity, to reveal their stories and dispel the myth that unjustly depicts all, or most fathers of African descent as absent and unaccountable. Their stories of love, wisdom, survival, setbacks, fears, frustrations and successes despite a burgeoning storm of racial oppression must be heard!
...and to all the FATHERS.
It's a great feeling isn't it? and what a beautiful photo of you and your daddy...there's nothing in the world like being daddy's girl!
Wow, yes def congrats on being a published author, we all knew you could..
The pic is TOO cute.
By the way...your blog is kinda like an Andre 3000 song - here, there, everywhere - but it all makes sense to me.
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