Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Name

Email me....if you want my new addy. If you want the new me. No questions asked please, just let me know, you want it.

I am tired of exposing myself...

I remember when I first asked you all
What do you think of me letting my "other" read me...

One comment stood out...
Don wrote...

"Don't. Personally, I think men find ways to use a woman's inner feelings against them. One day, he will. But don't take my advice."

Again, email, voicemail, text, where I go and where I be....I am tired of HavinG to expose myself and still not "getting" him.
I thought we were on level ground...but I realized, he has a lot more of me than I have of him...and he checks on me a lot more than he says...
I know there is love...but it's not healthy for either of us. Either of us. Left to me, I'd stay unhealthy. I am my own worse enemy, hurting myself to please...someone else.

Do Not think I am a victim, I have done my share to make shit bad, then, shit worse...despite where it comes from or why...I hurt... as much as, I hurt.

AJ I need you....not to tell me what to do...but just to give me some abstract/vague guidance...means a lot to me. Even when I don't tell you the story, you know it.

*A good life doesn't mean an easy life*

Sumptin To Say:
What's going on here?

You know you and you know when you are ready to stop playing with yourself and dude. As much as I hate to admit I have been where you are, and still, dammit I still go back from time to time. But I realize you can't control people, you can't get truth from a person who lies to themself. Give love to yourself and realize that shit is not permanant, life and people are always in constant motion.
????? I echo Zed
I am not changing my blog addy. I am going to be found...regardless where I go and for whoever wishes to look for me.

Thank you for your thoughts.

I shall continue.

I'm debating whether or not I should text you but I'll say this. your people, both sides of your heritage are two probably the most intuned innately spiritual people to ever walk the know what you know and no one can beat you at that game.

add to the fact that like the wind you can't be captured what are we talking about?

love isn't about how much of someone we can hold in our hands, and more about how much we can let go of and enjoy.

Open your hand and receive don't ball it into a fist, do it for you and no one else!
Hi Bloopty! I was re-watching Chocolat this past Sunday, and strangely enough it made me think of you... I don't know you, but the main character reminded me of the bits and pieces of you that you've allowed us to see...

I don't know if you've seen the movie, but if you haven't, check it out. You'll like it.

Take care!
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